Above, are my two initial drafts for what was to be my contents page.
For my first draft idea (left), I decided to go for a typical contemporary type of music magazine contents page, such as that of: Q and NME. The idea originally was to get as much 'content' on the page as was possible with a number above or to the side of each story/title, with one main 'live' photograph along the bottom of the page, and smaller images else-where on the page. However, after getting my peers' opinions I realised that this was not a proper format of a contents page and therefore would not professional, the large photograph also caused a huge amount of space to be lost which could potentially suggest to the audience that there was not enough content in the magazine to mention.
On my second draft, there was a number of both changes, and additions that were made. Changes included, removing the idea of the large photograph which covered the whole of the bottom of the page for the reasons mentioned above. The idea of having page numbers above or next to each story was also changed as I realised it could get confusing to connect the number to the right story, therefore I decided to have smaller page numbers, with a sort of, tag-line next to them, followed by a small piece of information underneath. I also decided to add a common feature for most magazines, which is a section on competitions or a competition winner, this can be seen bottom right hand corner of the second draft. Further additions included, sectioning the page into; Inside This Week, Specials, Competitions, Whats New With Hardcore, making the page easier to negotiate.
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