Above are my first (left) second (right) and third (centre) drafts for my music magazine front page. As you can see throughout the drafts there are many obvious changes, from my original idea's.
My original plan for my front cover, was to represent that of current music magazines of the same or similar genres such as; Kerrang! and AP Magazine. It was to contain one main image of which would take up the majority of the page, by doing this and ensuring that the image used such techniques as Gaze theory, it would attract the audience in to find out what is inside this magazine. When I took my original design onto programs such as InDesign and Photoshop, this common convention worked well, and so I decided to carry it through my further drafting as can be seen above. However, there were certain things that did not look very appealing or attractive, such as the slanted 'Resolutions' title, this did not fit properly with the layout nor did the bar running vertically on the left hand side of the page so on my next draft I removed it.
When doing a second draft I ensured to remove out the items/conventions which I, along with others, felt did not fit in properly. I also begun to add new conventions in, after further research, such as; a smaller more subtle logo and also lures (''10 FREE posters!) I felt this worked well and made the magazine look both more appealing to the target audience and also more professional. I decided however, that before creating my front cover I would create a final draft from which would include all the things that I thought worked well, and losing bits that did not. In my third drafts, more lures were added, most important of them being the list of bands, this would help to attract an audience as they may see a band on the list that they like rather than just seeing one artist that they may not.
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